Monday, March 12, 2007

Career Exploration

What did you find out in your career research that surprised you? Based on your research today have you changed your mind about what career you may want to persue? Why or why not?


Anonymous said...

You learn about how much your career makes and how much your left with after taxes.

Anonymous said...

That you have to manage your money and you can be a large or small animal vet.

Anonymous said...

In the career I would like to do i found out a lot of cool things about it and i would like to become that career even more

Anonymous said...

In the career exploration, i explored careers that i thought i would want to persue. What surprised me the most was that a pharmicist could make medicines. I would kind of like to persue a career in pharmicist, phamocologist, teacher, an athletic trainer, or a coach!
-ashley houchin

Anonymous said...

Doctors make more than pharmacists. I have changed my mind about what I am going to be. Intstead of being a coach, I might be a pharmacist or a doctor, even though doctors work a lot of hours a week 24/7.


Anonymous said...

Before I got on the website, I was going to be a lawyer. But since I searched more about other things I really don't know what I am going to do when I get out of school. I will visit this website more to search more info about other jobs. I also learned that a zookeeper can earn about $11.50 an hour.-michelle hall

Anonymous said...

Before I even looked at this website I knew that I was going to be a Computer Hardware Engiener. I learned more about the stuff you need to know about the field. And I didn't know you could earn a whopping 113,100 dollars.

Zach Hanshaw

Anonymous said...

I learned how in normal life you can spend a lot of money. It did not change my mind about a career. I did learn some iteresting facts about my career.
-joe overbaugh